Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Interview incoming freshmen for basketball

   For my interview I interviewed Rork Crusto III who is freshmen and part of the Sac High Dragon basketball family. He's a bright young man that i see high hopes for in the future. I can tell that he'll be something in the future as long as he stays on the the right path and stays determined. Now I start my interview.

How did you feel when you first got involved with sac high basketball?
- The way I felt when i got involved was a sense of feeling rewarded because ive always looked forward to playing sac high ball.
Did you get involved with team activities?
- yes i did summer camp with junior varsity cleaned at sac state and the capitol with the team.
How was your fist game experience?
-I had to get all the jitters out because it was my first basketball game in high school but my first experience was good.
Whose your favorite coach?
- I have no favorite coach as long as they help me get better at basketball.
Hows the training?
- The training was way tougher then I expected, nothing like other things i've done but it helps me get prepared and i don't miss practices because I'm devoted.
What do you do at training?
- On a track day we pretty much run and weight lift to work on our endurance and strength
How long have you been playing basketball?
- I've been playing basketball pretty much my whole life.
Do you play for any teams outside of school?
- Only in the summer i play AAU.
What position do you play?
- I play the 1, in other words i play the point guard.
What do you like doing when in the game?
- I like to cross other players, hit threes and be a leader.
How often do you practice outside of school?
- I try to practice whenever i can, usually on the weekend though because we have practice during the week
How do you feel about the nba lockout?
- I don't really mind the NBA because i'd much rather watch college basketball.
What college do you want to go to and for basketball or academics?
- I want to go to a D1 basketball college and i want to go to college on academics and basketball.
Why do you want to go there?
- A D1 school is a college with with some of the best things a college has to offer and thats why i want to go to one.
Do you play any other sports?
- Not at sac high.
what do you do before a game?
Do you hang out with your team outside of the school?
- Yes i do.
How do you take losing?
- Sometimes It happens so you have to make the best of it and learn from your mistakes.
Do you ever miss practices?
- I never miss practices because it makes me better unless its for a very serious situation
Do you think you'll ever be successful in basketball in the future?
- I pray to god I do.

     As you can see this young man has high hopes for himself. He has faith consistancy and hard work and with that will take him very far in life. This has been interview report by Dominic Fountain


  1. im looking forward to seeing the new freshmen talents sac high has coming in.

  2. Im excited to see this kid play, he has some talent

  3. good job it makes me want tee this young baller play !
